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Weddings, mud and meals out September 2, 2010

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I’ve had a bit of a blogging/twitter/general internet break over the bank holiday but you’ll be pleased to know I’m back now.

We’ve had a lovely weekend, starting Thursday with my uncle’s wedding.  The weather was pretty bad but it was a really nice day.  They just had a small wedding with around 30 people at the local registry office, then a meal followed by a party at their house.

C was an absolute angel and I was a very proud mummy when people commented how good she’d been.  Stupidly, I forgot the camera but I did take some photos for my grandparents so need to go and get them off their camera this weekend.

Friday was mainly spent recovering from the effects of the free bar the day before so not a lot got done really.  We did go out to a local pub with my parents and brother for a meal which was a nice thing to do for a change.

Over the weekend we took C swimming, collected a bike that M had won on eBay and went to watch a friend at some Land Rover trials he was competing in.

C had lots of fun playing in the mud, as can be seen on my Gallery entry for this week.

We went out for another meal on Monday with some friends who’ve just got engaged.  They’ve decided to get married next June, and C is going to be a bridesmaid for the first time.

It was back to work on Tuesday unfortunately but we had a great weekend.  Countdown to Christmas now then?